We have designed your DiceKey to last a lifetime, so most customers should only ever need to buy one.
We make money when you buy that DiceKey — and that’s it.
There’s no subscription fee for the DiceKeys app.
The price of a DiceKey covers our cost to invent, design, and produce both the hardware and software.
In addition to covering our costs, we also hope to make an honest profit.
Technology that you can rely on over your lifetime needs to work even if we’re no longer around to support it.
You can check out the source code for our apps, and see who has contributed, via our GitHub repository.
Don’t bother looking for the big-name investors backing us—there aren’t any. Companies funded by venture capitalists are obligated to make them as much money as possible, typically through subscriptions for recurring revenue. The subscription model requires companies to make customers ever more dependent on them so that they their customers will keep paying up, month after month, year after year. The subscription model is antithetical to our goal of making you more self sufficient as you take control of your digital identity.
Our customers should love us, not need us. That’s why we opted to grow at a sustainable pace, starting out self funded and then raising capital from our customers when we were ready to manufacture our first production-quality DiceKeys.
Don’t bother looking for the big-name investors backing us—there aren’t any. Companies funded by venture capitalists are obligated to make them as much money as possible, typically through subscriptions for recurring revenue. The subscription model requires companies to make customers ever more dependent on them so that they their customers will keep paying up, month after month, year after year. The subscription model is antithetical to our goal of making you more self sufficient as you take control of your digital identity.
Our customers should love us, not need us. That’s why we opted to grow at a sustainable pace, starting out self funded and then raising capital from our customers when we were ready to manufacture our first production-quality DiceKeys.
Technology that you can rely on over your lifetime needs to work even if we’re no longer around to support it.
You can check out the source code for our apps, and see who has contributed, via our GitHub repository.